"The LORD is near to all them that call on Him."
Psalm 145:18
Like his grandfathers, Pastor Caleb Joshua gives utmost importance to prayers, and considers it to be the foundation of the ministry.
Daily Prayers:
Beginning from 5 AM in the morning every day, for an hour and more, praising God is done first and then prayers for the Pastor and associate pastors of the main church, believers’ families, Our Pastors and their families, who are in spiritual fellowship regularly takes place.
Between 8 AM to 10 AM every day, sisters involved in the ministry pray for various ministries of our church, Pastors, their families, believers and other associate ministries.
At 10.00 AM, main church pastors and staff join together; with staff the devotion is for about half an hour. Later, the Pastors of the main church continue in prayer for until 12.00 PM; among them a Pastor for that day will give a short exhortation from the Bible and then spend the time in prayer for various needs of the ministry and the church.
Again a few Pastors join between 12.00 PM to 2.00 PM to pray exclusively for specific needs of the Church, salvation of souls, sanctification of the believers in and at large, for sick people and hospitalized, for leaders in the Government and for churches in the vineyard of the Lord.
Daily Prayers:
Beginning from 5 AM in the morning every day, for an hour and more, praising God is done first and then prayers for the Pastor and associate pastors of the main church, believers’ families, Our Pastors and their families, who are in spiritual fellowship regularly takes place.
Between 8 AM to 10 AM every day, sisters involved in the ministry pray for various ministries of our church, Pastors, their families, believers and other associate ministries.
At 10.00 AM, main church pastors and staff join together; with staff the devotion is for about half an hour. Later, the Pastors of the main church continue in prayer for until 12.00 PM; among them a Pastor for that day will give a short exhortation from the Bible and then spend the time in prayer for various needs of the ministry and the church.
Again a few Pastors join between 12.00 PM to 2.00 PM to pray exclusively for specific needs of the Church, salvation of souls, sanctification of the believers in and at large, for sick people and hospitalized, for leaders in the Government and for churches in the vineyard of the Lord.

“So we fasted and besought our God for this: and he was intreated of us.” Ezra 8 : 23
21 Days fasting prayer:
Each year, the 21 days of fasting prayer is held prior to resurrection Sunday. The prayers will begin daily at 10am. Ps Caleb and Kezia and Associate Pastors lead the prayer daily. Many attended ALL the 21 days in fasting and prayer.
Finally on the 21st day the Saturday, after a brief exhortation, by applying oil and laying hand upon everyone, by Pastor Caleb and associate pastors pray for God's blessings and deliverance from sickness and disease. On the whole, then time spent at the Lord's feet, besides strength to the inner man, helped to face any ordeal or temptation that were before every beloved believer in the spiritual walk of life. Every year testimonies of healing, marriages in the family, jobs secured for the future, elevations in the company structure for our children, also countless are God’s work. Glory to God!
Finally on the 21st day the Saturday, after a brief exhortation, by applying oil and laying hand upon everyone, by Pastor Caleb and associate pastors pray for God's blessings and deliverance from sickness and disease. On the whole, then time spent at the Lord's feet, besides strength to the inner man, helped to face any ordeal or temptation that were before every beloved believer in the spiritual walk of life. Every year testimonies of healing, marriages in the family, jobs secured for the future, elevations in the company structure for our children, also countless are God’s work. Glory to God!
3 Days fasting prayer:
Joel 1:14 says , “Declare a Holy Fast, call a sacred assembly”. A 3-day intense Fasting Prayer is held in the month of September. The burden that the Lord laid in our Chief Pastor’s heart was to pray for the revival and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Also the Lord laid in his heart to pray specifically for the prosperity of the Land that we live in, especially to pray against natural disasters, for good cultivation of crops, for plentiful rain etc. As people came to intercede and pray for the nation, God started to do so many miracles in their personal lives. Many healings and miracles took place and the testimonies of the believers were recorded.