May 30 - June 5

“Dear Jesus, You are everything to me and You are all I need. I am so very grateful when I realize how much You Delight in me? Sometimes, I wonder what good You see in me? to care so deeply for me and rejoice in me! I don’t deserve Your Love and Your Embrace towards me but I accept it humbly. I know that You take pleasure and delight in every detail of my life(Psalm 37:23). When doubts arises within me about Your care for me, I pray that You will open my eyes of understanding to know Your unending love for me. Thank You once again for confirming Your love for me. I am not alone because Jesus You are with me. Guide me and Strengthen me through this week. I ask this prayer in the most precious name of my sweet Jesus. Amen!”
Scriptures used: Psalm 37:23, Zephaniah 3:17, Psalm 147:11
Scriptures used: Psalm 37:23, Zephaniah 3:17, Psalm 147:11
May 9 - May 15

“Dear Jesus, I want to thank you for Your Eyes that are always watching over me. There are times when I feel that nobody can understand my situation or my circumstances but yet I believe from the Holy Word that Your Eyes are in every place watching the evil and good. I know that sometimes I have to wait a little longer for the answers to my prayers, but yet the Bible says that Your Ears attend to my prayer because Your Eyes are toward the righteous. When I am in pain or when I am feeling lonely or when I feel very weak - I know and I believe that Your Eyes are always watching over me. Thank you so much for the constant loving glare of Your Eyes towards me. Continue to guide me with Your Eye and lead in the path Everlasting. I ask this prayer in the most precious name of my sweet Jesus. Amen!”
Scriptures used: 1 Peter 3:12, Proverbs 15:3, Psalm 32:8
Scriptures used: 1 Peter 3:12, Proverbs 15:3, Psalm 32:8
May 2 - May 8

“ Dear Jesus, I am so blessed and privileged to experience your Love and Compassion. Your word reveals Your Compassionate heart towards me. It is very hard to comprehend the depth of Your mercy and care for me because I know that I do not deserve it at all. But yet, You are deeply concerned about my emotions and feelings. When my heart is heavy and overwhelmed, I know that You are right beside me with Your loving eyes watching over me. Thank You Jesus that You are constantly working on my behalf and making everything right according to Your will. I ask You to give me a grateful heart that will always choose to be mindful of Your Compassion for me. Thank You for Your Presence, Love and Care and Compassion. Continue to lead me through out this week and make me a blessing. I ask this prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen”
Scriptures used: Matthew 9:36, Psalm 86:15, Luke 7:13, Isaiah 40:11
April 25 - May 1

“ Dear Jesus, I want to thank You for Your Great LovingKindness. At times, my soul gets weary and begins to complain and make me feel like like giving up hope. But just like the Psalmist, I have learned to converse with my soul and talk about all your Wondrous works(42:5). Give me the Grace to always remember Your Everlasting Kindness towards me. Help me Holy Spirit, to be fully satisfied in my spirit, soul, body and mind - by singing praises to You(63:5). I truly long after You and desire Your Presence. Fill me Lord, captivate me and lead me throughout this week with Your Loving Kindness. I ask this prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen”
Scriptures used: Psalm 63, Psalm 36:7, Isaiah 54:8, Psalm 117:2, Psalm 42
April 18 - April 24

“ Dear Jesus, I want to thank You for all Your Mighty Works. As I recollect and remind myself of all the beautiful ways that You have nurtured me, I can truly stand and testify that all Your works are so Perfect. Sometimes it might seem that You are Quiet and I have to go through a time of waiting, but Still I know & I know & believe that You are working on my stead. I am so grateful because You answer me even before I call and You hear me while I am still speaking. Thank You for working non-stop just for me. I am so delighted and thankful to You, my loving Jesus. I ask this prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen”
Scriptures used: Deuteronomy 32:4, Isaiah 65:24, Psalm 34:6, John 5:17
April 11 - April 17

“ Dear Jesus, I want to thank You for Your Right Hand -
- The Hand which lifts me up,
- The Hand that holds me and leads me,
- The Hand that ensures that all things will work together for good,
- The Hand that will never let go of me and upholds me
- The Hand that gives me Victory.
Thank You for not letting go of me and for the Assurance of Your Love and Presence. I pray that Your Right Hand will cover me and Guide me this week. I ask this prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen”
Scriptures used: Psalm 63:8, Psalm 139:10, Psalm 73:23, Habakkuk 2:16
February 28 - March 6

“ Dear Jesus, I want to thank You for being so very kind and patient with me. Many a times, I have disobeyed You or displeased You. But I really wonder how forgiving You are towards me and all my short comings?
I can never imagine how difficult and painful it would be if only You decide to cast me away for all my failures. But I am extremely Grateful and Humbled at Your Love and Long-suffering towards me. The Bible says “How far has the LORD taken our sins from us? Farther than the distance from east to west!”. Once again, I want to thank You for giving me the Hope that I have in You and in Your word- that I will always be your precious loving child. I love You Jesus.
I ask this prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen”
Scriptures used: Psalm 103 :12, Numbers 14:18, 2 Peter 3:9
February 21 - February 27

“ Dear Jesus, I want to thank for the Joy that You have reserved for me to enjoy. The Joy that You give is beyond any situation or circumstances or any accomplishments or any achievements. Help me always, to tap into that vast resource of Your immeasurable Joy. I know whenever I feel weary or down, Your Presence releases the Joy unspeakable. I find great strength in that. Thank You Jesus for Your love and care for me. I ask this prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen”
Scriptures used: Psalm 16:11, Romans 15:13, Nehemiah 8:10
January 31 - February 6

“Dear Jesus, I want to thank You for Your Precious Name. What a Powerful Name! What a Mighty Name! Just a mention of Your Name brings such great delight to my Soul. Thank You for giving Your Name as a secret weapon to me. As a child of God, I am so thrilled and excited that I could use Your Name boldly, all the time. I believe the verse that God Himself has highly exalted the Name above every Name in the Heavens, on the earth and under the earth. I realize that every thing has to bow down at the mention of Your Name. Thank You for the Authority You have given unto me. Help me to be constantly connected with You and use Your Name with all Reverence and Faith. I ask this prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen”
Scriptures used: Proverbs 18:10, Philippians 2:8-11, John 14:13, Luke 10:19
January 24 - 30

“Dear Jesus, As I am still beginning this year, I come before Your throne seeking You for Your Guidance. I know that there a lot of decisions I will be making this year. There might be a lot of new Ideas or Ventures that I will be getting involved. As You have promised to Nourish me this year, I strongly believe that You will be directing me into new territories. Lord Jesus, I desire to fulfill all Your plans that You have for me. Help me Lord, to Trust in You, as You guide me with Your eye. Give me Clarity whenever I am Confused. Please send me Your Assurance whenever I am filled with doubt. I also ask You to give me confidence when I face with Fears and Anxiety. Let all the wind that was coming against me in the past year, be stopped in this New Year. I totally surrender my plans, my desires, my actions into Your Loving hands. Take me and Guide me into this New Year. You are my Strength and my Hope. I love You Jesus. I ask this prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen”
Scriptures used: Psalm 32:8, Matthew 14, Isaiah 30:15, Psalm 71:5
January 17 - 23

“Dear Jesus, I want to thank for all Your Blessings towards me. I was to specially thank You for Your Favor that you have bestowed upon me. I know and belive that You delight in me and there is a tangible evidence of Your Love and care for me. I pray and seek for Your favor all through this year. In all my walks of life, I pray that Your Favor would compass me. Sometimes, the world might be unfavorable and very mean. But as long as I am surrounded by Your Favor, I know that I can keep moving towards the destiny that You have for me. Just like the Psalmist I confess that the I will not lack any good thing. I commit all my ways to you so that You will direct my path. Thank You for our Favor even though I do no deserve it. I love You Jesus. I ask this prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen”
Scriptures used: Psalm 84:11, Psalm 34:10, Proverbs 3:6
January 10 - 16

“Dear Jesus, I want to thank You for all the wonderful and amazing plans that You have for me. I know that ‘Your ways are higher than my ways and Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts’. Lot of times I do not understand all Your ways and I end up feeling confused and tired. But still I choose to trust You and ‘Your PLANS for my life which is always good’. Dear Lord, I pray that ‘You will fill me with Perfect Peace’. I know and believe that ‘You know the end from the beginning’ and that You will carefully orchestrate every moment of my life. Above all, I also want to thank You for Shutting some wrong doors, Shutting some wrong friendships, Shutting some wrong Ideas etc. Thank You for all the right Doors that You are going to open just for me. When I look back in outlives, I can only see Your Goodness and your Love for me. I am amazed by Your Love and care for me. Thank You once again for Your PLANS that You for me. I love You Jesus. I ask this prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen”
Scriptures used: Isaiah 55:9, Isaiah 26:3, Isaiah 46:10, Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 43:19
January 3 - 9

"Dear Jesus, I have now entered into a brand New Year with Your Grace and Everlasting Love. Everything around me might change but I know that You are the UnChanging God and all Your Promises are Yay and Amen. As I begin this New Year, I want to pause and thank You for all the Specific Promises that You have given me. Just like the Psalmist who says in Psalm 119:49 “Remember Your word to Thy servant, which you have caused me to hope”. I bring before You all the promises that You have given me and I declare for it to come to pass. I pray and I confess Your promises over me and my family that “You will be with me, Protect me, Be my Strength, Answer me, Provide for me, Give me Peace and Love me.” Thank You Jesus for all the wonderful plans that You have for me in this New Year. I Worship You and Thank You. I ask this prayer in Your mighty precious Name. Amen."
December 27 - 31

“Dear Jesus, As we are finishing this year, we are want to thank you for all Your Care, Your Love, Your Grace, Your Protection, Your Provision etc. There were so many times this year, when we felt that we cannot move forward. We felt like all hope is lost. But Your Living Word encouraged us and Strengthened us and helped us hitherto. Thank You Jesus for Your Spoken Word which is a Treasure that we cherish. “You have magnified Your Word above all Thy Name”. Your Word helps us to understand more of You and the Power in Your Name. Your Word helps us to understand who we are and the authority that we have. Your Word helps us to Navigate our Paths. Your Word is like an elixir when we are weary and exhausted. We are able to receive Your Guidance and hear Your Voice through Your Precious Word. Thank You for giving us the Bible that we can hold on to all through our Life. We Love you Jesus and we are so grateful for your Word. Please continue to enrich us through Your Word in the days to come. Help us to meditate Your word day and night so that we are deeply connected and rooted in You. We ask this prayer in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”
December 20 - 26

“Dear Jesus, Thank you for your immense and unwavering love which isn't always easy to see or understand. We can never assess your immeasurable, unchangeable, and unconditional love which is wonderful and precious. You are always watching us, ready to help us in any way. We especially fail to see the love You have for us in our trials, afflictions, and deprivations of our lives. What’s most remarkable about your love is that in spite of our sin, despite our failure and brokenness and worthlessness, You reached down and showed us Your love by willing to die in our place on the cross! Thank you Jesus for your unconditional love. This concept is hard to completely understand at times because of how conditional human love can be. Sometimes human love is dependent on how we feel about someone…or it’s dependent upon someone loving us in return. But Your love is unconditional. Nothing You do or don’t do can alter it. Thank you so much for Your love Jesus. We ask this prayer in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”
December 13 - 19

"Dear Jesus, We can never comprehend how much You love us that You chose to bear all our sins and gave Your life so that we might live. You died a horrible death, as our Passover Lamb, that we might understand the magnitude of sin and the monumental significance of Your sacrifice, which was made for every human being. We were once separated and alienated, but You made a way for us to come back to God. As it is written that ‘Christ died for us while we were yet sinners!’ Sometimes we wonder why You chose to carry all our punishment upon yourself! It is because of Your sacrifice, we will no longer be called sinful, guilty, or forsaken of God. Instead You have made us Righteous and Holy. We open our hearts this day to receive and accept the price that You paid for us. Let Your sacrifice transform us and renew us each day. Continue to work in us and let our hearts be always grateful to Your sacrifice and love.
We ask this prayer in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”
December 6 - 12

“Dear Jesus, We are overwhelmed by your goodness and Grace. Where would we be without your Amazing Grace? There are innumerous times in our lives when we displeased you and have gone far away from your fold. But yet, you have forgiven us countless times and cared for us us within your loving arms. Thank you for your Saving Grace and for redeeming us. "Your Grace is always sufficient for us" (2 Cor 12:9). Even when times were rough and hard, we knew for sure that your grace will always carry us through. That is the hope that we have. We want to thank you for always extending your grace and forgiving us. We love you Jesus.
We ask this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”
December 1 - 5

“Dear Jesus, thank You for Your faithfulness! Hebrews 10:23 says that “for he is faithful who has promised;” You have always been Faithful towards us and we are so grateful.
Even as we enter into the last month of this year, we want to look back and remember all your goodness and Blessings that you bestowed upon us.
We truly know that we are not worthy of your Faithfulness. But You have always be Faithful in keeping us, preserving us, helping us and strengthening us.
We pray that your Presence, your Promises and your Peace will abide with us through this year and in the days to come.
We ask this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”